CBD - Cyber by Design

What does CBD really mean?

Yosi Shneck

5/19/20231 min read

Let's discuss the ancient term CBD – "Cyber by Design" or "Security by Design". It is used in any cyber discussion or presentation, specifying it as one of the most influential subjects of organizational cyber defense and resilience.
I agree. The lack of CBD is probably one of the significant reasons for the increasing number of vulnerabilities in new or modified products, processes, and services.
So everybody is talking about it, but in most cases, it ends there.
Cyber by Design is a process that includes engineering, modeling, policies, procedures, and management bundled into a structured and controlled process.
As cyber is everywhere, the CBD should be, too. Any new or modified activity planned for the organization should follow the CBD process. It can be a new product, process, or location change. It should be considered from the EMBRIONYC stage of any action.
The CBD is based on the ability to model the various activities, services, and products using tools that enable dynamic, computerized inspection and possible risk identification.
To summarize, CBD stands for Cyber by Design. Those who talk about it and don't turn it into a deterministic and measurable process are practicing CBL – "Cyber by Luck"!
For more details on implementing real CBD, don't hesitate to get in touch with our YSICONS experts!